Reflecting and Scribbling away....

It truly makes u think deeper of life...

Psalm 52:8 says, "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of GOD: I trust in the mercy of GOD for ever and ever."

Sunday, 23 March 2008

Special Easter Year 2008...

Personally, I think this Easter is really special for me and to me.. So much to share yet at the same time don't know where to begin or how to scribble... For once, I am scribble-less.. hehehe.. Is there such a word? Mm.. I am so touched during this Easter that words just not able to describe it well.. I am truly awed by His Presence and Touch..

And the following song titled "Because He Lives" just speaks it all.. I believe.. :)

Today, I suddenly understood why I was feeling edgy and jittery last Friday... The Lord was bringing me to see different perspectives of things and also to heal even further the specific areas of my wounded heart.. God said that this weekend is the time to look at these areas deeper still and further healing took place.. Isn't God good? All the time.. most definitely. :)

As the sermon said... "that was Friday (where agony, sufferings, hurts and pains went through).. but Sunday is here and today is Sunday (where there is hope and glorious assurance because of resurrection of Jesus Christ)", how timely this is for myself personally.. *grinning from left to right"...

"Thank You Lord. Truly You have the best for me and You know me inside out, upside down.. Thank You Lord for every details You notice and take care of me.. and every details You intervene to ensure that I am on the right track with You. And with You, though I have failed and made mistakes, You give me second chance.. Just as how You gave Peter second chance.. You gave him personal word, personal interview and personal commission..."

Blessed Easter everyone... :D

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