Reflecting and Scribbling away....

It truly makes u think deeper of life...

Psalm 52:8 says, "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of GOD: I trust in the mercy of GOD for ever and ever."

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Unnerving Moments....

What a contradiction if you do happen to compare my posts with one another.. well, honestly speaking, we are capable of having many different type of moments in life at the same time..... And they just happen so fast, before we could sneeze.. why sneeze? don't know. The word just came and I scribbled it down... hehe..

Unnerving Moments coz.. I am still thinking ahead (why am I still doin that? oh well..) of what is to take place in the days to come.. even as I wait and wait.. Actually, it is so strange yet very true that knowing and having God in control of my life, my future, why would I still have unnerving moments? But it is an honest confession that I do have them.. and guess that shows how human I am and it also points to the "test" of how much I trust Him.. If I trust Him completely, I wouldn't have these strange moments.. So, perhaps, somewhere inside me, there is part of me that still have pieces of unbelief.. I am just being point-blank with myself even as I scribble on.. Who would really admit that? Well, I am of the opinion that it is important to be able to do that.. and only then, I am able to cry out to God to help me with my unbelief.. every part of it.. even if it could be just a piece..

This is my two-cents worthed of thought for today.. and you know what, it gives me great comfort to know that Jesus loves me just the same, no matter what... yippee...

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