Reflecting and Scribbling away....

It truly makes u think deeper of life...

Psalm 52:8 says, "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of GOD: I trust in the mercy of GOD for ever and ever."

Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Precious Moments ~ part Two...

Continuing from part One of Precious Moments...

(in KLCC station...) Little Joshua had gone to KLCC before but via a different transport, i.e. car.. Anyway, the reason why we were there last night was because I needed to get some books from Kinokuniya bookstore, an excellent bookstore with much varieties.. We went up the escalators, little Jos loved that.. and he was having fun, rushing from one end to the other and going up the escalators again.. Kids have their ways of fun in the most simplest way.. amazing..

Reached the bookstore, I already knew what I was looking for and therefore went straight to the enquiry counter to ask for the book.. while little Josh feeling tired, asked to be sat on a stool nearby. and then, he saw a balloon with no owner around.. He quickly went over to possess it.. hehehe.. My mom said it could belong to someone-else.. yet, he refused to listen, he just want the balloon.. that's my nephew, he loves anything that is round in shape.. balloons, balls, anything at all..... and here I was, earlier on, thinking what to buy for him as he comes for this visit to KLCC... Also, while taking the escalators up earlier on, from far, I saw distribution of balloons down below and I said in my heart, "wouldn't it be nice to get one for Joshua."... hehe, God knew and the balloon was there, left unattended to in the bookstore..

While I was looking at the books, mom was busy chasing after little Jos who by now, has became rather restless and rather playful.. running everywhere.. Well, gotten the two books that I wanted and went to the counter and paid for it. Mission accomplished. The next mission, finding toilet for little Josh and ourselves too.. hehehe.... After the toilet mission, we decided to take the lift down instead..

At the concourse, we saw two human dressed in a koala suit and kangaroo suit.. The koala fella shook hands with little Jos.. and also had a high-five moment with him too.. He enjoyed it much.. After all that, it was time to go home.. so, we made our way back to the train station......

The journey back was somewhat different because little Joshua has gotten used to the train sound and feeling of being in the train.. He was more daring to walk around.. wanting to try different moves, hanging on the hand-rail.. climbing anything that he could climb.. a really handful time for me.. yet, it was fun and precious to just goof with him in all these..... and time flew by so fast that we reached the Kelana Jaya station in a jeefy...

Our train journey ended as we walked out of the train, with little Joshua clinging around me as I carried him... He was definitely tired and yet I know, he enjoyed himself.. the next round, would let him insert the LRT ticket into the slot as he wanted to do that but things happened way too fast that I didn't stop to let him do that...

As I scribble on, I know that I am learning more and more to stop in life to enjoy.... to enjoy moments that are truly precious.. Guess this is one of the many things which God has gotten through with me recently... important lesson of life.... Sometimes, I wonder to myself, "if only...." but then again.. that is the irony of life.... why question it?.. Contentment is holy gain.. think that is somewhere in the New Testament..

(Scribbler continue to scribble on in her thoughts... even though the virtual scribbling stops here........ *wink*)

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