Reflecting and Scribbling away....

It truly makes u think deeper of life...

Psalm 52:8 says, "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of GOD: I trust in the mercy of GOD for ever and ever."

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

A Snip Snap..

What is that? No-la.. just trying to be creative with the title.. :D Had a normal lunch, the usual as I had wantan mee.. A pretty good standard one near my office. :) Also, playing with my new toy, my new phone.. ya.. pretty cool coz now I just got bluetoothed with some new games from my colleague.. They got this game called SimPet where you adopt a pet and then you play, feed, bathe the fella and also teach the pet some tricks.. My pet's name is called Binnie.. Why Binnie? don't know. Just thought of it off hand la.. Anyway, hope I won't get addicted to this.. hehehe..

Well now.. today, things are much better.. I had a good sleep last night. Gotten my Nine intercessors to pray that I have good sleep with no funny dreams. God is good and I slept throughout till 5am.. Went to bed at 10pm.. Feel much rested and fresh today. Good sleep is good for health and the whole being and it keeps you young too. (Great tip to look young! *wink*)

I still couldn't upload that song.. argh.. patience, Vivien.. It will come about and I will know how to la..

Ok then.. I think I have something to write for the next post.. shall talk about the vision God has put in my heart many years ago.. :D

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