Reflecting and Scribbling away....

It truly makes u think deeper of life...

Psalm 52:8 says, "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of GOD: I trust in the mercy of GOD for ever and ever."

Monday, 15 September 2008

Having Fun!..

Today is the first day of Orientation at the Uni.. goodness me, the long queue for registration was crazY! but it was kinda fun.. to observe and to see what were taking place.. The feel of becoming student again is pretty cool.. just enjoying the moments.. So, you can call it a Fun moment!.. hehehe.. well, before the lectures starts with plenty of reading and studying..

Though in UK but the feel is more Asian-ised... coz just way lots of students from Africa, China, India and some from Malaysia.. wonder they have any Singaporeans? I know they have some from Thailand.. Hmm.. very interesting to see this phenomenon.. to be part of it as well..

And I have more friends from China and Africa now!.. hehehe.. in fact, they would be my very first few friends from these countries.. and I think my "Pu-Tong-Hua" would improve much.. hehehe.. Never really thought about this.. and yet this is happening.. Anyway, shall just go along and see what happens next.. Oh yes.. got to know a girl from Taiwan too!.. at a place which I never really thought I would be connected to someone and yet it did!.. Hmm..

Having scribble all this.. there is this deep desire still.. for a local church where I could just be part of.. Hmm... praying and waiting upon the Lord...

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