Reflecting and Scribbling away....

It truly makes u think deeper of life...

Psalm 52:8 says, "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of GOD: I trust in the mercy of GOD for ever and ever."

Monday, 27 December 2010

Snowman family... :)

that Sarah & I built... on Christmas day.. this is something that I have always wanted to do and it is accomplished!.. yippppee.. :)

Sunday, 26 December 2010

Blessings from dad & mom.. :)

recently, received an email from dad & mom.. They sent me a link with such a powerful and beautiful blessings and I know it is from their hearts.... I feel so blessed and so touched.. *grin* and I would like to share this with everyone here who read my scribblings.. :)

Thursday, 23 December 2010

this is funny.. just some humor..

that I received from a friend........ something light and yet it could happen to anyone!.. so, hmm.. a thought? :D

one by one...

seeing the pictures and statuses of friends on facebook today... especially from back home.. indeed, one by one.. got married.. have kids.. have another kid.. and here I am, wonder.. of course, I wonder.. and yet deep down know that God has great surprises & plans for me and I am waiting with lots of hope in and upon Him.. In the meantime, enjoying what I have and given.. :)

the recent postponement of my paris trip allowed me to see something amazing.. allow me to see the way I responded.. not in an irrational way but in a calm and sensible way... and I like that alot.. and would like to see that more and more.. no matter what is thrown at me, I would respond in a calm and peaceful way with a deep trust that God has another plan for me.. and make the best out of it!.. which is where the birth of christmas dinner comes along for Sarah & I.. and going for midnight communion... etc etc.. I do like this way of responding.. and God is teaching me how..... *wink*

And seeing the pictures and statuses of friends who got married; have kids & more kids.. and who are getting engaged; getting married... feeling so happy for every one of them and praying for them as they embark on their new journeys.. wish I could be there for them physically but I am here in the UK for this season of my life..

and this song I learnt recently in Carols choir just stick in my head which I think would be appriopriate here as well.. :D enjoy!... as we reflect upon Him.. and be reminded how much He loves us all!.. :)

"I Wonder As I Wander"

I wonder as I wander out under the sky
How Jesus the Saviour did come for to die
For poor on'ry people like you and like I;
I wonder as I wander out under the sky

When Mary birthed Jesus 'twas in a cow's stall
With wise men and farmers and shepherds and all
But high from God's heaven, a star's light did fall
And the promise of ages it then did recall.

If Jesus had wanted for any wee thing
A star in the sky or a bird on the wing
Or all of God's Angels in heaven to sing
He surely could have it, 'cause he was the King

I wonder as I wander out under the sky
How Jesus the Saviour did come for to die
For poor on'ry people like you and like I;
I wonder as I wander out under the sky

Saturday, 18 December 2010

Just don't feel like doing anything..

usually when I am in this state of "just don't feel like doing anything".. I begin to realise is when I am thinking.. or figuring something out.. well, it is more like trying to figure something out. Unfortunately, most times to no avail.. yet, I would find myself in that mode again and again.. When will I learn to go to God immediately instead of wallowing myself in this mode for hours?

Another reminder!. another lesson to be learnt.. Well, time to zzz.. and be refreshed for what is ahead tomorrow.. 

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

This is who I need...

a man who is like Caleb in the Old Testament.. 
who is of "different spirit" (Numbers 14:24).. 
and who has courage all the way.. (Joshua 14: 6- 15).... 

am waiting in anticipation and rested in Daddy's arms.. :)

Friday, 3 December 2010

Is it worth it?

just pondering about "Love".. observing and reflecting of how people response about this in their lives.. thinking of my own response in the past and even now.. and I am reminded of God's love that is full and complete.. where human's love is not; even though we try to and many times, we try very hard to.

So, is it worth to love? It is nice to be loved, of course. Everyone wants that. But the question is; is it worth to love especially with the knowledge that we may not even be loved back, sometimes. The risk is there. So, is it worth it? In my own logical mind trying to understand the implication of things, it seems a rather complicated matter to decide. Yet, when I look to Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross because He loves us unconditionally; it just blows me away. His response clearly shows that it is worth it! and it is the same kind of love that we are to extend to others too.. Obviously God has set a high standard.. and it is only by His Grace that we are able to love.. drawing strength and love from Him to love and be loved too.

Think, probably today is the start of me winding down for the year 2010.. and to reflect of what I have done in the past months and praying into the coming months and year.. The many "what-ifs" that I have to lay down at the foot of the cross and trust that God will resurrect them if it is His Will... the many joys of witnessing lives being touched, encouraged and lifted up.. the many tears of disappointment and joy that are being sent up to Heaven... buckets, perhaps! yet, the peace of God settles.. and settling even more these days; regardless of what is ahead... Sometimes, I just do not understand but just telling God that all I want is to be in His House.. to be rested in Him.. The sky may fall; the walls may crumble.. it doesn't matter so as long as I remain in Him. Remaining in Him gives me the assurance that I am protected and hence, I am able to extend His Love to those who needs it. 

Indeed the Truth in His Word does set us free! May we truly know it in our heart of hearts.. May we truly experience it deep in our lives.. 

Well.. as I look forward to the weekend away with my C-group.. I know God will show up with His surprises in His Time.... *grin*


This thought has been in my mind for a long long time.. and I just sense that it is there for a reason.. sometimes, I wish I know how to go about it.. yet, the deep sense of assurance from God is to pray.. to intercede whenever this thoughts come. It is not so much about what I could do but more of praying and interceding.. 

I am scribbling this; not so much referring to personal relationships and friendships.. there is a time for that in a separate setting. but I am referring more about reconciliation between countries and races, even.

Being in the UK for two years now, I notice there is this unspoken segregation and it is true even in the church context too. Hmm.. I wonder, is it suppose to be there? Why is it there in the first place? Because of the past history? Because of generation soul ties and hurt due to war and desire to conquer? Also, why do people decide to live in another country and yet be in their own close knit community?

What is Jesus saying in all these things? Why is my heart being stirred about these thoughts? It is challenging and there is the cry for reconciliation.. where does it come from? What could I do? or should I even do anything? 

Father, show me.. grant me wisdom to pray and intercede.. and to response as how Jesus would response.. 

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Snowflake moment..

As I was waiting for the bus, looking at my phone.. then, a snowflake landed on my mobile screen.. and for just a second, I was able to see the beauty of a snowflake!.. the intricate design.. Who came out with such details? Truly amazing! Truly beautiful.. 

I know Who is the maker.. do you? 

Just think.. Someone who is able to design such beauty is the Same Creator who design you and me.. such focus and with so much care, love and passion! I just love to be blessed with such profound truth of life.. It does give me much joy and excitement and in fact, passion too!

Walking in the cold could be a life-changing moment too; if only we take time to ponder upon God.. everything made by God is for a reason.. and for this reason, I want to praise Him even more! *wink*

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Where has the time gone to?

This is one question I have been asking myself.. Things are just quite crazy with so many things going on.. perhaps that is why time has gone by that quick before my eyes.. and in two days time, it is Dec 2010! goodness me.. and it marks my 3rd winter in the UK.. and winter has been ever so fascinating with the rapid change of weather.. rather bizarre phenomenon; looking at how the weather changes.. experiencing it to the core.. Though it may be cold but I do like it when there is sunshine in winter.. somehow, it gives me the sense of awe.. the beauty of creation.. 

Today is special.. coz today, God opened an opportunity for me to approach a topic that has been in my mind and yet, I didn't know what to do other than just commit to the Lord and pray. It just fell in the right place very rightly.. the flow of the conversation was rather amazing that I could only whisper (I wanted to shout! but I was on the phone) "Thank You Lord!" One step taken and more time to spend in praying.. and waiting with anticipation for the next step.. *grin*

The same time next year.. I wonder.. I just wonder where would I be? *wink*

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Think I like this too!.. :)

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Just a pic of me!.. LOL..


Friday, 5 November 2010

Fear! & Unbelief...

Being a participant of this course called "Freedom course" in church.. the recent session which was yesterday evening.. we looked at the whole area of fear and unbelief.. and interestingly, the word 'disappointment' was mentioned! hmm.. I do wonder.. what is God saying to me here.. with all these various things.. I knew deep down that there are stuff still lingering around to be dealt with.. and it is comforting to know that the Good Lord reveals to me in His Time and in His most gentlest way.. helping me to walk through and overcome whatever that are there..

In that sense, I know that it wasn't by accident that recently, I have all these weird feelings of sudden fears.. and a sense of hopelessness.. perhaps indeed it is time to face things in this level and to be an overcomer in Christ! It is scary to face the fears.. but I am not alone!.. God has surrounded me with His army!.. *grin*

Tuesday, 5 October 2010


That is the word that kept popping in my head these days.. Thankfulness! :)

Being thankful is a choice!.. well, think lots of things in life are linked with choices.. and choosing to be thankful is one of them.. Being thankful in the midst of uncertainty or trouble.. being thankful in the midst of confusion.. or even being thankful in the midst of nothingness or fullness! 

Just amazing how the Lord reveals various things through various situations in the past few weeks and months.. Amazing because I never thought they would happen and they did! And most times, it came when I least expected them. How bizarre that could be.. Or probably that is how the Lord reveals.. The way how He opens doors; the way how He guides me.. etc etc.. and also the way how He touches my heart and heals it when He sees there is a need to do that. Oooh.. I feel so loved loved! *grin*

Loving God always know what is best to keep me on fire! excited about things ahead! What more could I ask for? What else do I need? I have all that I need in Him.. It is truly comforting and assuring to be where I am now.. in His Love and Embrace.. even when I haven't figured out what I am going to do or where I would be! Kinda crazy to be scribbling this way and yet, this is where I am.. and I am happy and thankful!

It is just that simple! or is it? I think it is when we become used to choosing to be thankful in spite of conditions or situations.. Loving life as it is.. loving people as they are.. *wink*

Monday, 27 September 2010

3 months of no-update!

oops.. haven't been updating for 3 months.. why? why? hmm.. not sure but I am coming back!.. hehe.. Hope to scribble more.. 

too many things had happened the past months.. all good stuff! where some are least expected... Never thought I would be doing them..... Amazing God always surprise me! *wink*

Sunday, 20 June 2010

only time will tell...

in all the decisions I have made and going to make.. *wink*

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

something to think about..

I think I have changed so much.. I have learnt to take risks in God.. 
even when it is very scary to do that.. Definitely no turning back! *wink*

Dare we?

"Dream things with God
that are doomed to failure
unless He shows up"
(Pete Hughes)

Moments like this..

As usual, God always bring the right people to come and speak into me at the least expected time and that happened last night.. and it is in moments like this that I am truly and wonderfully touched by Him and His Love. Not that I am not touched in other times, but just that these moments are special.. the connections seem stronger and stronger.. His Love just overwhelms me from head to toes. How amazing is that! I smiled.. I am thankful.

I am just enjoying being at peace in God.. being carefree with no worries and no anxieties.. in the midst of gazillion uncertainties in my life.. How odd? How would I be at peace in God if there are so much uncertainties? Good news is that it is possible!.. once I let go and let God take over my life.. and it is a constant choice; learning more and more to trust Him each day.. making decisions as they come along.. regardless big or small.. as long as I choose to walk close with Him.. the rest is His-Story... *wink*

Tuesday, 15 June 2010


is just way too short to be entangled in disagreements and get stuck there.. 

use a different route.. 
either talk it out.. if that doesn't work..
well, perhaps it is right to move on after trying... 

how much is too much and too little? hmm..
pray and be at peace in Him.. 

for, He knows the best! *wink*

hey! I know this but then it becomes even clearer today! 
Amazing how revelation can just come.. :)

Monday, 14 June 2010


the question that I have in mind is..

"How do I enter 
after exited for 
3 years?"

wow.. 3 years.. yup... well, it will be 2 years and 10 months to be more precise by next July. I think I am thinking too much of the future this few days.. but it does allow me to make the best of the present day.. hmm.. at least, I hope to and pray to.. *grin*


hmm.. am I in that state at the moment? or I choose to be there for a while? Amazing what situations; people and words could do to us.. or even lack of them.. Funny it is. So strange that I could actually find it funny!.. hmm.. maybe I am not that indulged then.. or I have grown a little more mature than before.. Now, that's nice to discover! :)

Probably that is why I have to let go.. Just seems the right thing to do at the moment; regardless of whether I would be able to live up to it after that. Slowly and surely, I would be able to; in God's arms.. Though I am in my  30's, I feel like I am 3 years old in God's care.. so many messing ups.. so many silly things I have done and would probably continue to do..

Now, I am really disillusioned! (in a good way, I hope).. me a 3 year old kid? LOL.. in many ways, I am.. hehe.. so many things to learn from God.. where to begin? I like to take a peek here.. and another peek there.. and currently, reading this book below..... exploring possibilities... hmm.. do I still sound like a 3 year old kid? no wonder I am confused!.. LOL..

the recent experience would be a classic story for Practical Theology in Action.. well, here I go; indulging myself in reading whole day since I am not working today.. *wink*

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Where should I go next?


clueless... don't know..

the older I get, the more unsure I become.. I wonder am I alone in this? but, the interesting thing is the more unsure I become, the more I grow to trust Heavenly Daddy..
so, it is a good thing then? Looks like it.. hehe..

oh ya.. I was singing aloud this evening.. creating my own songs.. singing my heart out... in my own tune.. random.. most definitely*wink*

Proverbs 6: 6 - 8 says...

Go to the ant, you sluggard!
Consider her ways and be wise,
Which, having no captain,
Overseer or ruler,
Provides her supplies in the summer,
And gathers her food in the harvest.
sluggard? hmm.. means an idler.. I always do admire how ants work.. :)

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Something I can't multi-task..

It just dawned on me tonight that I can multi-task in many things but something I can't multi-task is feelings.. especially awful feelings.. does this make sense? hmm.. maybe only to me. LOL.. 

feelings is an odd thing.. or is not? emotions.. sea of emotions, some people call it.. Let me visualise how it would be like.. swimming in the sea of emotions.. whoa... tricky?

well.. leaving that thought here as I go to zzzz... *grin*

Bold step to take..

or stupid one? ish.. don't know.. but it is definitely a less travelled road.. and I always ended up taking that.. I really do wonder.. why do I get myself into such situations all the time.. probably that is just the unique me! Am I consoling myself? LOL.. maybe maybe.. and the funny thing is that it seems rather natural that it is concluded in that way even when I seek God about things.. as I seek His face..

I wonder.. do wonder what my life would be like five years down the road.. at the rate I am going.. the crazy things that I do.. and the unthinkable decisions I take.. yet, I am happy wor.. hmm.. most importantly is that God knows my heart and desires.. and in His Time, the right door will be opened! I am praying that I would have His faith to walk in.. especially when fears are looming strongly.. 

Pray for me, pls.. *wink*

Friday, 11 June 2010

Is it? I think so.. hmm..

Cut and paste from two daily devotionals I received today.. how true this is, in many sense!.. Indeed it is much easier to do something than to trust in God. And, all of us go through the breaking process.. to know that God is the source of our worth.. Just got reminded of that again very recently.. how forgetful we are.. at least, I know I am.. always need to be reminded.. and God knows me very well.. hee.. *wink*


The Staggering Question
By Oswald Chambers

He said to me, ’Son of man, can these bones live?’

Can a sinner be turned into a saint? Can a twisted life be made right? There is only one appropriate answer— “O Lord God, You know” ( Ezekiel 37:3  ). Never forge ahead with your religious common sense and say, “Oh, yes, with just a little more Bible reading, devotional time, and prayer, I see how it can be done.”

It is much easier to do something than to trust in God; we see the activity and mistake panic for inspiration. That is why we see so few fellow workers with God, yet so many people working for God. We would much rather work for God than believe in Him. Do I really believe that God will do in me what I cannot do? The degree of hopelessness I have for others comes from never realizing that God has done anything for me. Is my own personal experience such a wonderful realization of God’s power and might that I can never have a sense of hopelessness for anyone else I see? Has any spiritual work been accomplished in me at all? The degree of panic activity in my life is equal to the degree of my lack of personal spiritual experience.

“Behold, O My people, I will open your graves . . .” ( Ezekiel 37:12 ). When God wants to show you what human nature is like separated from Himself, He shows it to you in yourself. If the Spirit of God has ever given you a vision of what you are apart from the grace of God (and He will only do this when His Spirit is at work in you), then you know that in reality there is no criminal half as bad as you yourself could be without His grace. My “grave” has been opened by God and “I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells” ( Romans 7:18  ). God’s Spirit continually reveals to His children what human nature is like apart from His grace.

2 Corinthians 12:9
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.
Your kingdom come. Your will be done...
In the breaking process God's intention is not to destroy your will, but redirect it; not to rob you of self-worth, but to let you see that He is the source of your worth. Gideon's three hundred soldiers had to break their pitchers, which made them vulnerable to attack, before the light within them could shine out and the enemy be defeated (Judges 7). Elisha had to break his plough, which represented his financial security, before he could qualify for a double portion of God's Spirit (1 Kings 19:19-21). Mary had to break her alabaster box, which represented her dowry and hope for marriage, in order to receive Christ's highest commendation (Mark 14:3-9)
Brokenness is costly; it happens in stages. 
Stage 1: Repentance. After his affair with Bathsheba David prayed, 'The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit… ' (Psalm 51:17 NLT)
Stage 2: Discipline. '… I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified' (1 Corinthians 9:27 NKJV)
Stage 3: Intimacy. You love prayer and God's Word because you 'connect' with Him through them. But you'll have to fight the distractions around you to get to the place of intimacy, and fight the carnality within you to stay there.
The real issue in brokenness is submitting to God's control. 
Dick Rasanen writes: 'Dear God, I find it so easy to try to be the one in charge. I find it so painful to realize that I am not the one in control. Help me to know when saying 'I just work here' it's a confession, and not just a way of evading responsibility.'


Thursday, 10 June 2010


emo.. emo.. today!.. becoming emo elmo.. probably having withdrawal symptoms! it is a process.. have to be brave n strong in God to go through it.. learn and come back stronger!

As someone told me today, time will tell... so, give it some time.. therefore, I just have to let go and let God.. He knows the best! *wink*

Monday, 7 June 2010

Moving on...

yup.. moving on.. looking forward to what is ahead.. wonder what God has installed for me.. continue to wait and pray..

letting go is good for everyone even though it is tough to do so and takes lots of courage.. especially when there are so much attachment and love.. never thought I would be this attached but I am.. sigh.. However, looking at the brighter side of thing is I have given my all to love, care and serve.. 

Again, Romans 8:28 came to mind.. "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

here I go... moving moving on.... *wink*

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

I am comforted..

by who? yes.. GOD.. :)..

The God of all comfort, who comforts us

God can make you comfortable in the most uncomfortable places. He can pull you out of situations you thought you'd be stuck in forever. He can give you peace, even in the midst of trauma. Before your life is over, you'll live, love and experience loss. Losing some things will actually help you to appreciate the things you still have. It's the taste of failure that makes success so sweet. How can you celebrate victory unless you've known defeat? You'll live each day not knowing what tomorrow holds, but knowing that God holds all your tomorrows. They're not in the hands of your boss, your broker, your mate, or anybody else. Nor are they in your hands to manipulate and control. No, all your tomorrows are in God's hands! So whatever you do; get to know Him, because you'll need Him. And He'll be there for you. He'll be there when everybody and everything else has gone. He'll be there for you in the dark places. His promise to you is, '… Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning' (Psalm 30:5 Amp). However long the night, morning always comes and with it His joy. Just think, no matter how dark the night, you've always lived to see the morning. Right? Somehow His grace has protected you, provided for you, secured you, calmed and comforted you, and brought you through. Times and seasons change, but not God. He's always '… The God of all comfort… ' and He's watching over you today!


Today's reading is about peacemaking.. don't think it was coincidental.. Peacemaking is God's way (Matt 5:9 says, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.").. So, we, too should strive to be peacemakers by carefully and prayerfully trying to resolve conflicts without force.

The above in green was what written in today's reading.. and another part that spoke to me was "The next time you are involved in a disagreement, look for things on which you both can agree. Work from there toward a solution that is mutually beneficial and pleasing to God. Be a peacemaker."

hmm.. as I took my troubles to the Lord, I cried out to Him, and He answered my prayer. (Psalm 120:1) This is what I feel at the moment.. He answered my prayer by allowing me to read this reading.. *wink*

Wednesday, 26 May 2010


my new found travelmate and photomate!.. *grin* Her name is Teenie-Grey.

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Ice Cream!.. :D

I like this picture very much.. :D

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

I have decided!..

I have come to a final verdict.. I think!.. and feel peace when I have decided. Focus on the here and now. and I shall not head home for now, not even for holidays until God opens the door.. More at peace once that is settled. *grin*.. So, friends back home, I won't be seeing you guys any time soon.. Either next July for good or ??? only God knows... when.. *wink*

Psalm 84:10..

Psalm 84:10 (New Living Translation)

 10 A single day in your courts
      is better than a thousand anywhere else!
   I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of my God
      than live the good life in the homes of the wicked.

do I mean it wholeheartedly? 

when you say "don't care".. do you really mean it?..

or is it just an easy phrase to use?.. or is it a substitute for expressing that uncertain feelings?.. but it doesn't really mean that we don't care any more.. or does it? I wonder.. 

I recognise that different people use different phrases to express different things.. Therefore, the same phrase may not express the same feelings for different people. Now, wouldn't that makes things really confusing? It just brings communication to another level of complication.. hmm.. 

Just a random thought that I have today. *grin*

Me & English afternoon tea.. *wink*

this is what I call enjoyment of life! my kind of tea.. :)

what more could I ask for?

I am in love!..

gotcha!.. in love with God's creation..... *grin*

do enjoy these photos.. *wink*

my fairy-tale land... and this is real!.. *grin*

this is really a glimpse of the peace of God that I have been experiencing.. it is amazing that pictures speak what words couldn't express.. *dreaming*

Saturday, 15 May 2010

how much is too much?

I just have this question in my mind today... especially after an interesting conversation this morning. Just boggles my mind what people are going through in their lives. Everyone of us have our own struggles and issues and yet lots of people need support.. and how do we balance in giving the support.. What would Jesus do in this? That's my prayer today as I reflect and pray. May God gives me the strength and the creativity to know how to respond that pleases Him. 

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Matthew 26:41

'Stay alert; be in prayer so you don't wander into temptation without even knowing you're in danger.'
In The Message, Eugene Petersen paraphrases the words of Christ in Matthew 26:41...

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Dinner on 04.05.10..

Why is this dinner so special? lol.. well, coz I actually find this meal I cooked so unique.. hehehe.. and I am so happy with it.. making the white sauce from scratch.. using double cream.. chopped garlic.. mushrooms.. prawns... cheese... butter... tee-hee-hee.. and of course, my final touch with the mixed herbs!.. I think I am pampering myself way too much!.. lol.. *wink*

My first 5-miles walk too!.. lol..

after the BBQ... 10 of us went on a 5-miles walk... and I managed to take some lovely lovely pictures along the way.. I was really tired at the end but it was well worth it.. *grin*

Stratford-upon-avon Canal..

Yellow.. yellow!... (rapeseed flowers, it is called)

Lovely, isn't it? :)

I thought this is really sweet... :)

lastly... me!.. trying to climb this.. lol.. 

I had a great time.. love the countryside.. love seeing many different things.. love to see all sorts of flowers.. animals.. and I managed to conquer a 5-miles walk!.. lol.. *wink*

My first BBQ of the year.. :)

Yup.. first BBQ... with my fellow C-groupers.. Weather was rather unpredictable, however, we did have some good sunny moments!.. lol..

I was just posing besides the BBQ equipment and the master chef managing the equipment.. (btw, he is my C-group leader)

Group picture of everyone... great weather to take a group picture.. hehe... but not everyone was there though..

all the meat!... hehe..

and the rest of the food...... (roast potatoes.. rice salad - both are my favorites... kebab.. buns... drinks)

and of course, without fail and it is a must!.. we ended with puddings and ice cream.. this is the English way of a meal.. *grin*

My second BBQ is coming up soon.. think it would be in June.. and then, there will be another one in July.. hehehe.. 

Friday, 30 April 2010

Tiramisu-making success!..

this is the final product... :) Made it with 3 other girls.... and I learnt some important lessons about "shouldn't over whisk double cream or egg whites, else they will become destabilise and break"... Never know about this before.. hehe.. Well, hope to make again soon... hopefully, then, it would be better!.. hehehehhe........  

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

the Big Church Day Out... May 29th, 2010...

yippeeee..... goin on a bus too!.. lol... looking forward to this as we are going to have picnic.. worship.. and lots of jumping... lots of girly chats... lots of photo-taking... Please pray for sunny weather... thank you... *wink*

Bye bye...

I waved bye bye to Mr Procrastination.. well, more like, cast him out in Jesus' Name last night.. and today has been so fruitful for me.. able to get on with my work.. *grin* I think I have to keep at it.. Praying and asking God to help me to overcome this everyday.. to build the good habit of discipline... 

Good night.. :D

Monday, 26 April 2010

Everything in its Time...

Got this song from a friend whom I met only once.. Spent one weekend with her and others... and this is the song that she would be using for her wedding march in a week's time... so sweet.... and what a lovely girl she is... even though I do not know her that well... 

Everything in God's time.. :) This song just touches me.. hehe.. *grin*

Sometimes I wonder what lies ahead
How long till my hunger is fed
They say it's hard to make it in this part of town
So many people on this merry-go-round

Some folks try astrology
Some turn to crystal balls
To find an answer,
To get through it all
I just fall on my knees and I try to pray
In the silence I can hear Him say

The river runs and the river hides
Out to the ocean and under the sky
I promise you, the answer will come
Hold on to patience and watch for the sign
Everything in its time

I often feel like I'm two steps behind
Somebody must have moved that finish line
There are a thousand reasons
Why I should give up
But I'm stubborn in the things I believe

The river runs and the river hides
Out to the ocean and under the sky
I promise you, the answer will come
Hold on to patience and watch for the sign

'cause maybe there's another plan
One I still can't see
A little surprise, like your love in my life
Funny how time changes how we see

The river runs and the river hides
Out to the ocean and under the sky
I promise you, the answer will come
Hold on to patience and watch for the sign
Everything in its time
Everything in its time

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Procrastinated again?

think this is really my biggest enemy..... and I know I have failed tremendously the past few days..... procrastinated and procrastinated..... ish... it feels like I am having a disease or something.. 

but there is HOPE!.. I know I can overcome it with God's strength.. 

Well, here I go again.... get up and try again.. Pray for me, ya... *grin*

Saturday, 24 April 2010


Just a picture of the tuna-mayo sandwich I made and other food that we had for the picnic.. didn't have time to do the egg-mayo sandwich... Timing calculated wrongly today!.. lol.. more photos coming up.. hehe..

A question in my heart that is answered & re-affirmed...

Question is "Why am I still in the UK?"...

Pleasantly surprised to be finding myself reading this reflection this morning in this link....

and from there, I found myself writing the below comment for the write-up...

"be a missionary for England? hmm.. interesting phrase and food for thought..

Thanks Junny for your reflection and sharing... This is the exact question that I have been asking the past weeks/months...... how interesting that I am to find myself reading your reflection today.. It is like.. a re-affirmation in my spirit... of what God has been saying..

Read two books recently.. one by Martin Goldsmith and the other by his wife, Elizabeth Goldsmith.. was truly blessed and encouraged by their writings..particularly, the one written by Elizabeth... (titled God can be trusted).. Amazing stories... and I haven't met this couple yet..

And speaking of which, I remembered that before I came over to the UK, this same couple was in DUMC (my church back home).. but I didn't get to hear them... and this time, when they were in Birmingham, I didn't get to go and hear them as well.. However, their books, in God's special way, came to me!.. and I had the privilege of reading them and was truly blessed!..  now, am listening to Martin Goldsmith's sermon online.. 

Indeed, there is that affirmation in my heart today.. at this very minute... *grin* God is good, all the time!... :D

That day will come..

Praising God while I wait.. Praising His Awesome Name as I wait.. Serving Him and His people.. there are so much to learn, to do.. to serve... to grow to be stronger in Him.. and before I know it, that day is here!.. *grin*..
*inspired by the song I am listening to... well.. the same one in my previous scribbling*

If God is with me...

whom then shall I fear? this phrase stuck in my head today as I listened to this song in my previous scribblings.. 

I realise that sometimes, I just need to be reminded again.. and again... coz I am forgetful.. especially of the good things that God has revealed to me.. the promises He has promised.. and I do find that going back to my journals and even my previous scribblings help me to remember.. Well, this is one of those times!..  *wink*

Sandwich Making Day..

Today is the day that I am making sandwiches... for a picnic later... simple sandwiches.. all fattening food though.. coz everything is with "mayo".. lol.. Mayo does the trick!.. tee-hee-hee.. So, I am making Tuna-mayo sandwiches... Egg-mayo sandwiches.... to make it a little healtier.. there will be cucumber!.. 

Well... I have decided to scribble a little... each day from now on.. whenever I could.. Even as I scribble now, I am reminded of the movie I watched yesterday night, "Sphere".... It is about people's fears being manifested into reality... scary to think that whatever fears we have, it will become real... ewwww.. oooh.. I wouldn't like to be there when that happens!... Guess all of us have a problem with fears.. But I am again reminded that with God, there shouldn't be any of the wrong kind of fears.. unless we don't trust Him enough.. Where there is FAITH, fear should be thrown out of the window.. but is it easy to do so? well, face it with God, it would be.. that is how we build up faith in Him... we have the key, why not use it? *wink*

er.. how I end up scribbling about this when I am suppose to scribble about sandwich making? lol...  that is typical... very typical, I think.. lol.. well, time to go shopping for the ingredients for today!... *grin*

Friday, 23 April 2010


Just want to share this song with everyone.... :)



Lovely.. what snow could do...

This is where I am living... see the effect of snow... *grin*

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Who would ever thought....

Vivien doing what she is doing now... 
Vivien taking risks?
Vivien stepping out of rat race of life... to do something else...
Vivien having so much free-time...
Vivien meeting so many different people from different parts of the world and different phase of lives...
Vivien eating food she normally doesn't eat; like eggplants...
Vivien baking a cheese cake... and more cakes to come... 
Vivien can cook!... 

and the list goes on and on...

How could this happen? all because of One Person... and that is God who loves her very very much!.. *wink* With God, all things are possible... With God, Vivien could fly and will fly....... and be who God wants her to be..... How awesome that is, isn't it? hehe... Belt of Truth buckled on; ready and go.......