Reflecting and Scribbling away....

It truly makes u think deeper of life...

Psalm 52:8 says, "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of GOD: I trust in the mercy of GOD for ever and ever."

Monday, 14 June 2010


hmm.. am I in that state at the moment? or I choose to be there for a while? Amazing what situations; people and words could do to us.. or even lack of them.. Funny it is. So strange that I could actually find it funny!.. hmm.. maybe I am not that indulged then.. or I have grown a little more mature than before.. Now, that's nice to discover! :)

Probably that is why I have to let go.. Just seems the right thing to do at the moment; regardless of whether I would be able to live up to it after that. Slowly and surely, I would be able to; in God's arms.. Though I am in my  30's, I feel like I am 3 years old in God's care.. so many messing ups.. so many silly things I have done and would probably continue to do..

Now, I am really disillusioned! (in a good way, I hope).. me a 3 year old kid? LOL.. in many ways, I am.. hehe.. so many things to learn from God.. where to begin? I like to take a peek here.. and another peek there.. and currently, reading this book below..... exploring possibilities... hmm.. do I still sound like a 3 year old kid? no wonder I am confused!.. LOL..

the recent experience would be a classic story for Practical Theology in Action.. well, here I go; indulging myself in reading whole day since I am not working today.. *wink*

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