Reflecting and Scribbling away....

It truly makes u think deeper of life...

Psalm 52:8 says, "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of GOD: I trust in the mercy of GOD for ever and ever."

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Full Day...

Yup.. this is my fullest day of the week with whole day of classes on Tuesday.. Hehe.. Now, stealing some time to scribble before lecture starts at 10am.. and it will go all the way to 5pm today for different lectures.. I would prefer some breather but then again, it is being timetabled such way.. Just have to have more energy for the day.. and I know exactly where to seek the strength from.. the Source, who else.. Our Abba Father who is my provider.. *grinning*

ooh.. lecture starting soon.. so I am off..............


  1. hi hi... sorry dear. Have not been visiting anyone's blog for period of time. Busy with some work stuff i.e. preparing and reading training materials =D

    Do continue writing... will visit again when I am done with my with my training. =))

    Take care.

  2. hehe.. u busy busy girl.. :) what training are you doing?
