Reflecting and Scribbling away....

It truly makes u think deeper of life...

Psalm 52:8 says, "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of GOD: I trust in the mercy of GOD for ever and ever."

Friday, 13 May 2011


Somehow, it just struck me today as I am at my 'old' friend's place, having to meet up with friends of 20-odd years.. that, the choices we made in life does determine where we are at and the directions we are going to take.. Well, I do know that but yet, today, it struck me more.. Hmm.. and even for myself, I never thought I would be where I am today.. the very things that I thought are important are no longer important anymore.. It would be nice to have them but I somehow have no urgency or urge to must have them. Perspectives have changed? Priorities have changed? Perhaps. And the beautiful and amazing discovery is that I am at peace with God and with myself and happy for others to have them.. the 'successes' in life.. Deep down, I believe God will provide them in His Time.. for He knows my desires and needs. *grin*

And the whole idea of not comparing with others does make a huge difference.. It is so easy to compare.. Yet, as the Lord Jesus said, "what is that to you?" when Peter asked about another disciple in John 21. To me, that indicates that we are not to compare with others.. and be faithful in and thankful for what is/are given to us. Thankfulness in all situations is a skill.. a choice we are to constantly make.. The good Lord is teaching me this lots!.. to be thankful.. and to see good out of situations, no matter how bleak they could be.. for the Lord is in control.. He has great plans for every one of us.. small, big.. medium.. any sizes and forms.. so exciting!.. yay!.. *wink*

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