And one of the main speakers spoke on the whole of Habakkuk.. He expounded it with such great insights that truly spoke a great deal to me... How could I scribble it here? How could I share what spoke to me? hmm.. perhaps the summary... as to how Habakkuk turned from being a complainer to a joy expressor regardless of the change of circumstances.. by recalling what God has done... and knowing that He would do them again!.. and for us, by recalling what was done at the cross and know that we could trust Him.. Because of the cross and the resurrection, we could be going through tough stuff in life and yet be joyful in Him.. sorrowful yet rejoicing simultaneously.. amazing isn't it? It is possible because of the cross and resurrection!.. Victory is real and it is done. :)
And one important lesson to learn from Habakkuk is that he was being very honest and truthful with God about the current situation and his own feelings. He didn't hide them from God.. He didn't pretend that all is well... He was just being real with God.. and this is how we should response too.. to be with real with God about our situations.. and trust God.. let God takes us on the journey from "fear" to "faith".......
Amazing truth, isn't it? Well.. to me, it is..... hehe.. and because of this truth deeply planted in my heart as I reflected upon it, God has moved in my heart to do something brave.. something which I know I would not do on my own accord.. unless it is inspired by God.. As I truly start to look beyond my own experiences with God (the small piece of the canvas) and towards the Cross and Resurrection (the big canvas), something stirred deep in my heart... that is the crucial point.. I personally believed .. and know what is the key? it is about living by Faith in God all the way......... and able to withstand whatever that is ahead of us..... *wink*
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