Reflecting and Scribbling away....

It truly makes u think deeper of life...

Psalm 52:8 says, "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of GOD: I trust in the mercy of GOD for ever and ever."

Sunday, 15 March 2009

First morning in new place..

yup.. my first morning in my new room.. new view... Loving it.... and sunshine with cool air...... what more could I ask for? heheheh..

I have also taken some photos of the move too....... So exciting.. and a wonderful meal I had last night.. a birthday-do for one of my housemates... I have three housemates (Betty & Alex and Mark)..... wonderful people.... :D
Enjoy as I enjoy my new place... new environment.. *wink*......

1 comment:

  1. Nice! n_n

    Enjoy your stay... I am doubly green with envy! *grins & hugs*
