Reflecting and Scribbling away....

It truly makes u think deeper of life...

Psalm 52:8 says, "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of GOD: I trust in the mercy of GOD for ever and ever."

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Why now?

The question that I have in my little brain is this.. why now? Why is it snowing now? as the many comments were it hasn't been snowing for ages and years.. and even if it did, it was not very heavy.. So, why now? why this moment? Hmm... ever thought of that? ever question it? I do!.. I did!..

Being a dreamer.. being a lover of fairytale... being a miracle looker/ expector.. maybe.. maybe.. it is a miracle answered prayer of a girl's little heart..... *wink*....

In a strange and loving way.. this stirs something deep in my little heart... it is like, hope and faith well up from within.. it is like, something is dancing inside.. little heart dancing? hmm.. picture that? I can.. coz I could really feel it.. *grin* Walking in the snow, with the snowing falling on my face was truly an amazing experience.. walking in the snow, playing with the snow with my feet and hands was amazing... feeling the breeze and freeze of the wind and snow was uplifting.. And I have one thing to say that is ..

"Thank You, Jesus.. Thank You, O LOrd...... Thank You for touching my little heart once again in such sweet and loving way.. "

muach!... *wink*..

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