Reflecting and Scribbling away....

It truly makes u think deeper of life...

Psalm 52:8 says, "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of GOD: I trust in the mercy of GOD for ever and ever."

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Pocket time...

Just somehow felt led to scribble about this phrase "Pocket-Time".. What is this pocket-time? hehe.. this is my version of explaining what this pocket-time means to me as I think further and deeper.. This phrase is related to "Spending Time". After so many years, it just dawned unto me the importance of spending time, especially with loved ones, close ones.. and even strangers that God divinely brings cross my path... And I also realise that it doesn't necessary mean spending long hours but just those important "pocket" of time and opportunity... So, in that sense, it is really not about the quantity but the effort and the condition of heart, my response.. the initiation of heart.. Mmm.. how true that is.. Indeed! Coz people could pick it up quite instantly..

Truly thankful to God for opening my eyes to see this golden truth of life.. out the many more to come.. He has so much installed for us to learn.. and that is why people say, it is a lifelong learning and learning... We never stop learning..

Well, am looking forward to yet another pocket-time with my dad in August.. when he comes back for a few days.. I pray and hope that the best would be made out of the time that we are going to have. Even true with mom.. yup.. this coming Saturday would be an interesting one, I believe and pray and hope.. *closing eyes....* *wink*...

In fact, now.. looking forward to be home to spend some great pocket-time with my little nephew and niece... (Scribbler scribbles her last line for the day as she shuts her pc.. )

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