Reflecting and Scribbling away....

It truly makes u think deeper of life...

Psalm 52:8 says, "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of GOD: I trust in the mercy of GOD for ever and ever."

Monday, 9 June 2008

Fruitful Sunday with stacking of boxes...

hehe... and it felt good to clean up and to organise stuff to order.. And I just thought it would be excellently cool if I could search for some nice stack up-ed boxes images from the net to enhance imagination.. Thanks to the people who allow me to use their images... :D

This ones are the colorful ones.. making life very interesting too..

These are the normal type of boxes.... and my goodness, just imagine room filled with boxes, ready to be filled.. Lets go abit further, imagining boxes that are alive.. and being so excited to be filled with stuff, good stuff... like books, christian materials, toys, bags, etc.. etc... I think if I am a box, I would be happy especially being used for a greater use..

Mm.. Even as I scribble on, an idea is cooking.. and isn't it interesting to know that our life is such too.. that we are like boxes and God is filling us in with stuff.. good stuff... Mm.. I like that! and I wonder what is God putting into me next.. It is exciting to know that He has a greater plan for me and for you too.. *wink*

Well... that was my last Sunday spent... truly a fruitful and satisfying time, being home and organizing stuff in the room.. I have a little more to go and I am done.. So proud of myself... hehehe..... and on top of that, able to bless Jumbo Station with stuff that I no longer need... So cool...... *scribbler imagining that she is skipping round the room..*

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