Reflecting and Scribbling away....

It truly makes u think deeper of life...

Psalm 52:8 says, "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of GOD: I trust in the mercy of GOD for ever and ever."

Saturday 23 July 2011

Thought about it but at the same time contented..

amazing but true.. thoughts do come about various things especially seeing the updates of friends on facebook.. asking the when, who and how.. and yet, where I am now, I am contented.. My next thing that I look forward to would be my move.. then probably followed by my trip back home in December.. of course, I am sure there are many exciting things happening in between August and December at Agape for me from Him... and then, come 2012, a little car of my own.. the rest I have no clues.. but I am contented and know He will surprise me with much.. All I ask is that my family back home are well taken care of.. that they are safe and they are walking close with God.. I am increasingly praying that their lives would be wonderfully touched by Jesus in every way especially Joshua and Tiffany... I am claiming what He says in His Word.. that I am free to do His work and I do not need to worry about other stuff but trust Him to take care of them and that includes my family.. includes my health.. includes my needs.. my desires.. so on and on.. yay!.. *grin*

The Lord is watching over me and my family... So comforted in His truth and promises.. :)

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