Just would like to share here an assignment that I did at my first Agape staff conference. A list of TEN conclusions on this short passage of John and the reasons why John wrote them (my reasons, of course). Thought it would trigger our thoughts a little more as you read on.. Well, this is my TEN conclusions that I have come up with and it isn't exclusive on its own. This was what I was inspired to as I reflected.. Hope you would be encouraged..
- Jesus is the Word and He is there since the beginning with God. John wrote this to emphasize the importance of putting this crucial truth across to the readers and from the start.
- It is concluded that without Jesus & God, nothing would have been made. This implies that God is the creator of all things.
- It is concluded that only Jesus could shine in the darkness and whoever follows Him will have the light of life. John wrote this because it is God's desire that all can be in the light.
- God sent John, the baptist to prepare the way for Jesus so that people are expecting His coming to them. Or the least, people would know someone is coming and He would be the Light.
- If people receive Jesus into their lives, they would be children of God and have the heritage of God. This is important, to have the sense of belonging and commitment from God. In particularly, on how God views His people.
- It has been known to Jesus that as He comes to the world, He would be rejected and yet, He still comes. This was written to indicate how much Jesus loves His own people.
- Jesus is the only Son from the Father. THis was written to bring that connection clear to the readers.
- Jesus has come to the world and lived among His people so that His people would experience His grace and truth. This indicates He desires to be with us and His willingness to know each person individually.
- God gave the law through Moses; He gave grace and truth through Jesus. THis was written so that we could have personal relationship with God through Jesus.
- God is the ONLY God. Jesus and God are one. This probably was with the intention of pointing to the truth about the Holy trinity; the very first attempt to bring this idea to the readers?
May you be inspired to look at gospel of John for yourselves.... If you do not have a bible with you, no fear.. It is available online too. Please click on this blue link below .. and enjoy reading what John has written about Jesus and discover nuggets of truths for yourselves as you read along...
As for me, I hope to do more studies on gospel of John too on my own, using the methods that I have re-learnt.. I am excited to see what God has to say to me through His Living Word. I may well scribble some of those here in the days to come. Hence, look out for this space as I explore and reflect.. *wink*