Reflecting and Scribbling away....

It truly makes u think deeper of life...

Psalm 52:8 says, "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of GOD: I trust in the mercy of GOD for ever and ever."

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Watch and Pray..

Watch and pray, that you don't enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." - Matthew 26:41

We must learn both to watch and pray. It is good to watch. There is danger everywhere. An army in an enemy's country never rests a moment without its encircling line of pickets, keeping watch against danger at every point, and reporting instantly any hostile movement. We are living in the enemy's country, and cannot safely pass an hour without watching. But watching is not enough; for we are not able to keep ourselves when the danger comes. Hence we need also to pray asking God to keep us. But as watching without praying is not enough, neither is praying without watching. God means us to use our eyes and to keep our wits about us, as well as to cry to Him for help

We must not say that every one who makes a good profession, and then fails, is insincere or a hypocrite. Peter was neither when he made his bold avowal that he would never deny Christ, and that he could die with Him. He loved Christ, and meant to be true to Him. Peter's spirit was eager and earnest, but he was weak in himself; and because he relied only on himself, he was not able to hold out against the sore temptations which came upon him.

We are all just like Peter. If we are true Christians we mean to be faithful to our Lord. But sincerity is not enough. “The flesh is weak,” and we need to rest continually upon God for help to be true and faithful. If young Christians would learn this lesson they would not fall so easily. If the drunkard who resolves to reform learned it, he would be safer and stronger. No matter how good his intentions are, he is not able of himself to fulfil them. None of us are as good as we want to be and strive to be; and only through the mighty help of Christ can any of us live a true and noble life amid all the world's temptations and dangers.

Thursday, 8 November 2012


We are volitional being.. we have the freedom to choose.. and because we are given the freedom to choose, there is also that sense of releasing others into that freedom.. 

One thing I am still learning very much is that no matter what choices we made or going to make, we are responsible for our choices. I need to remember this and not be terribly saddened by the "bad" choices that people make in their lives.. they are responsible for their choices. I guess, sometimes, the only way to learn is to experience the "bad" choices and learn from it. Maybe that is required in order to be understood.. 

Here, this is a timely reminder that I am not anyone's saviour or protector.. but I am a child of God who is learning to love the people my Big God loves.. even if it means so heart-aching to love.. His grace is sufficient for me.. 

Well.. one or/and more "not so good" experiences will not stop me from continue to press on in Him.. Be smart next time to trust God in trusting His people.. then He is my shield.. *wink*

Friday, 2 November 2012

Clock ticking..

It is just so easy to be entangled with the future of what is to come and forget to live the now.. And the clock is ticking.. 

I wonder about so many things and I wonder about the wonders that God has put in my life too.. His Love that wraps around me.. protects me.. comforts me.. assures me.. even when there are shattered dreams.. even when everything stand still.. His Love rises above all else and He loves me!

Letters being handed in today.. which makes it official now.. How did I feel? I felt torn of what I am going to leave.. I felt excited too of what is to come.. I guess, it is a decision that I have made; like with many other decisions.. there are always the other side of the coin.. It is hard.. It is mind blowing to my little brainy..

Will I regret it? I wonder.. and I think of the untraveled road.. I guess I will never know what it will be like if I stay on.. Yet, it feels really right to go home.. and I want to be there, be home.. be with my closest ones.. even if it means just for few months.. And, trusting God for what He has installed for me in the days to come. Trusting Him for the impossible.. 

Yes, that settles it.. in my heart. To live the now to the fullest with such bursting hope of the future in Him! *smile*