Reflecting and Scribbling away....

It truly makes u think deeper of life...

Psalm 52:8 says, "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of GOD: I trust in the mercy of GOD for ever and ever."

Wednesday, 15 June 2011


He is my answer..
He is my comforter..
He is my provider.. 
He is my encourager..
He knows the plan for my life..
He knows me in and out, upside down..
He loves me for who I am.. 
He loves me even when I make mistakes..
He knows my heart...
He cares.. 
He guides.. 
He is my friend.. best friend..
He is my Lord Saviour..
He is my everything..

Without Him, I am nothing..
Without Him, I would still be in the pit.. 
Without Him, I would be running after the wrong things..

At this junction.. at this very special moment.. even as I reflect and pray about what is ahead of me.. with the visa appointment scheduled tomorrow.. the sense of where does God wants me to be.. Birmingham? Malaysia? Does it really matter where I would be? I do miss home.. I do miss friends back home.. yet, I could see the potential here in this place... but what is God saying? I wish I could be at two places but I couldn't.. My prayer is that I would have His peace; no matter what happens to the 'verdict' of the visa.. Even if it means staying on, or even if it means going back.. Even if it sounds cliché.. I want to say.. "Thy Will be done, O Lord".. (Matthew 6:10)

1 comment:

  1. I agree largely, except on the "without him I am nothing" if taken literally, that's not true. Without him, you still are something, just not a "good" something by biblical standards. You are without him, still a soul, just one destined to be tormented for eternity, regardless of your character and life. (Obviously because God is love. *wink*)
