Reflecting and Scribbling away....

It truly makes u think deeper of life...

Psalm 52:8 says, "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of GOD: I trust in the mercy of GOD for ever and ever."

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Lets go and play!

Had my first attempt at sailing last Sunday. Interestingly, I still could remember clearly that my friend's hubby (Adam) said, "now, lets go and play!" after he briefed me about the boat and also about what I needed to do with the various 'strings'; other bits and pieces .. Hmm.. It was like, there are some preparations; briefings.. before we can go and play and have fun!..

Alot of times, the things we are to embark on in life in the coming days require that too.. preparations; briefings; trainings.. before we could go and play!.. Some would require more preparations.. some less.. and who is the best person to know how much we need? Take a quick guess? Daddy in Heaven.. :) He knows exactly what we need to be prepared, be briefed, be trained... for what is ahead!.. 

So.. once we are ready.. there we go!.. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... mistakes will happen.. just like bruises and cuts will take place (in my sailing experience).. but that shouldn't stop us from going again (as well as in this case, sailing)... The more we go, the better we become.. And, this just so resonates with my feelings about my new assignment at Agape.. Lots of adventures ahead!.. hmm. I wonder this sailing experience is by chance or by His divine appointment so that I could connect the dots!.. I prefer the later, to be honest as that works for me!.. lol.. well, I could literally connect the dots and I love that!.. :D

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