Reflecting and Scribbling away....

It truly makes u think deeper of life...

Psalm 52:8 says, "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of GOD: I trust in the mercy of GOD for ever and ever."

Saturday, 18 October 2008

Carried away....

Sometimes, I felt that.. just conveniently got carried away with things... thoughts... the "doing".. and then, it would be like "oops.." for me.. Then, looking back, I was aware sometimes (for a moment?) of what was going on but it slipped away rather quickly before it could be grasped and looked deeper into..

Complication? Hmm.. I wonder.. Anyway, currently, reading a book by Larry Crabb titled "the Pressure's Off - There's a new way to live"... It is a very interesting book... never thought anyone would be writing it but there it was.. And the way how I stumbled into it was rather interesting too.. hehehe.. Would I do a book review on it? hehehe.. that would take me ages to do, I think.. coz always got stuck somewhere along the process line.. needing to do it "very right".. see, think that is my problem.. Wonder have you caught that? Anyway, I am beginning to see some light to some things.. one step at a time, waiting upon the Lord, they are becoming clearer.. by His Grace.. If by my own, I would have messed it up.. Releasing them once again to Him who knows the best for me!..

(Scribbler has gone wondering off today.... in the depth of her soul....)

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